Thursday, September 2, 2010

Desert Academy 2010 Jane's Survival

''Most true is it that 'beauty is in the eye of the gazer'.'' (pg.203, Bronte)
        Jane goes through many hard ships throughout the novel.  From her aunt and her cousins miss treating her to the betrayal at the alter from Mr.Rochester.  Jane does not always find happiness but finds a way to put the humiliation in the past.  In the quote above it refers that "beauty is in the eye of the gazer', as happiness as well.  Jane survives throughout the novel because she is the gazer of beauty, happiness, and love.  By being her own "gazer", Jane controls what and how she feels.  Even though certain characters and events spark her, she ultimately controls the way she feels.  In the novel as well in real life, the only person you can control is yourself.   Jane also controls her feeling by simply moving on, leaving her regrets in the past. Everyone makes mistakes but it's not the mistakes that are recognized, it's what you do in response to them.    Jane is a strong and happy woman when she wants to be and controls how she feels.